Contact Us


Our office

Pacific Integrative & Functional Medicine
12677 Alcosta Drive, Suite 372 - Bishop Ranch 15
San Ramon, CA 94583

Phone: (925) 658-0464 - Fax: (888) 807-4046

*Phone for inquiring/new patients: (925) 658-0661 - Our New Patient Coordinator Shauna works weekdays 10am to 1pm - if you get the voicemail message would you please just leave a message indicating your email address and possible times between those hours that you could talk live



Follow up patients:

Current / follow up patients needing to schedule a follow up visit or needing other assistance re lab ordering, lab results, medication/supplement refills, or other matters: please contact our Office Manager Nila Santos and/or Office Assistant Shauna Sturgess via your CharmEHR portal. If there is something urgently needing attention you may also call our main office phone# (925) 658-0664 - Nila/Shauna aim to reply to voicemail messages within one business day.

For emails to Dr. Bera-Miller please also use CharmEHR email.

Our building at 2303 Camino Ramon, Suite 208
Our office waiting room

New patients:

Currently, Dr. Bera-Miller has a waitlist but is trying to see patients within a few months of inquiry. If you wish to be seen by Dr. Bera-Miller please complete the message form below or send an email to and include:

  • Your name

  • Phone number and best email address

  • The condition(s)/symptom(s) for which you are seeking support

If you’d like, you can also give a call to our Office Assistant/New Patient Coordinator Shauna at 925-658-0661. Shauna will be in touch with you as soon as possible to get you started.

We look forward to supporting you in your health goals.


Your message


Click on map marker for directions.