
Energy Medicine

There are many Energy Medicine practices including Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Acupuncture, Reiki, and Qi Gong. Energy Medicine effectiveness is believed to be due to the fact that we are not only biological and chemical beings but also electric/energetic beings and thus healing can be effected by energetic techniques. For instance, Reiki is a system of energy healing that originated in Japan. It is a method where healing energy channeled through a trained practitioner to the receiver helps to improve overall health and wellness. It is considered an excellent technique to de-stress and hence is becoming increasingly popular in today’s lifestyle. People can experience an enhancement of the quality of their life through regular or periodic Reiki or other Energy Medicine sessions. To learn more, we recommend the book Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, by James Oschman PhD and the book Body Electric, by Robert Becker MD and Gary Selden. We have several trusted practitioners we refer to depending on the patient, their condition(s), and their geographic location.